Answer: Probably, the biggest myth is the idea that rest and ice alone are enough to fully heal a sprained ankle. That is a total myth. I mean, apply that to any other kind of joint or muscle injury in the body. If you had a shoulder injury, would you just rest and ice it? Probably not. You would include a regimen of stretching and exercises to get it back to full strength.
But, with the ankles, people are under the mistaken idea that rest and ice are enough. Not only does it take significantly longer to heal the ankle, but there are other problems. Scar tissue develops, there is limited range of motion and of course, general weakness. If you don't address these things during the healing process, rest and ice are not going to get the job done by themselves.
Question: So, how long does the typical sprain take to heal?
Answer: That all depends on what you do... if you just rest, ice, elevate and compress it like most people, it could take months. And once you think it's healed, because you don't have any pain, you're not out of the woods. that ankle is going to be weak and stiff and could easily have another sprain at the slightest provocation.
If, on the other hand, you have strengthened your ankle, removed the scar tissue, dealt with the neuromuscular damage and improved healthy range of motion, then you will be at a much lower risk of a another sprain. But, that's not the only benefit... you will also heal much faster.
I don't know why exactly, but the body just loves a more active form of rehab when healing. You don't want to push too hard... it should be gentle rehab, but the body will respond very quickly to active and gentle healing techniques. So, if you were to follow the H.E.M. Sprained Ankle Rehab Program, you could expect to heal within a week.
Question: That seems very optimistic. Is that really accurate?
Answer: I realize it seems like it's too fast to heal something like a sprained ankle, especially if there is a lot of swelling and bruising. But, the simple fact is that it works. The body responds very, very quickly to these rehab techniques. I've seen it with my own ankles and my own eyes with my own clients as well as the thousands of people who have used this system. I can guarantee you that will never think about healing the same way again once you have used it.
Question: Can this system be applied to other areas of the body?
Answer: Some of the techniques can be applied to other areas to reduce swelling, bruising and help remove scar tissue. But, the exercises and stretches are specific to the ankles in this book.
Question: What would be your biggest piece of advice to anyone with a sprained ankle right now?
Answer: Pretty simple... don't wait to start rehab. First, go get an x-ray and make sure you don't have a fracture. get the okay from your doctor for rehab and then start right away. The sooner you get going, the sooner you will heal and the less damage you will face in the long run.
Question: One more quick question...
Answer: Sure.
Question: Does H.E.M. work for people who have older sprains?
Answer: Yes, it does. It works for people who sprained their ankle weeks, months or even years ago. It works for people who have chronically weak ankles. It will help your body heal the damage you created from the original injury and strengthen your ankles until they get back to full health. Granted, it may take a little longer when you have an old injury, because there will now be more damage. But, that does not mean you are stuck with immobile, weak and painful ankles forever. It just means you need to go through the healing process and go through the system until you are 100%.
Scott Malin, N.A.S.M.-CPT, is a top strength and conditioning coach and has trained many athletes and celebrities. he is also the author of many other best selling fitness books.
If you would like to learn more about H.E.M., please click The H.E.M. Sprained Ankle Rehab System